Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Slum No More

Woo!! Slumdog Millionaire CLEANED up at the Oscars!!! Just as in the movie, in real life the underdog came out on the top. Not only was the movie almost relegated to direct-to-video, the cast is almost entirely unknown (except for Anil Kapoor and only amongst Desis), and most of Danny Boyle’s movies have been commercial flops. This is definitely one time when Oscar got it right.

In other Slumdog news, Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls has announced that she is recording her own mix of the song “Jai Ho.”. Apparently she found the movie “spiritually uplifting.” Wow, I can’t wait to hear that piece of crap!!!

And finally it what is a surprise to no one, bitterella Salman Rushdie proves again that he is an imbecile. In critiquing Slumdog Millionaire, Rushdie says that the movie is “full of impossibilities.” No shit Sherlock!!!! It’s a movie!!! Besides the idea of a 60 something, chubby, balding, short writer marrying a gorgeous model seems next to impossible but it happened. Thanks Einstein for the rousing critique.

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